Supported Living Northamptonshire
A Supported Living and Domiciliary Care Agency that has been supporting adults with Learning Disabilities to live in their own homes since 2002
Who We Are
Avens Supported Living Northants (ASLN) is a Supported Living and Domiciliary Care Agency that has been supporting adults with Learning Disabilities to live in their own homes since 2002. Spread across the heart of Northamptonshire, in Kettering, Corby and Wellingborough, housing over fifty customers who are supported by over sixty staff in either a supported living or domiciliary care setting.

What We Do
ASLN, like the rest of Avens, has a ‘Person Centred’ approach when it comes to care. This is backed-up by support plans, written with those they are intended to support and pictorial plans that are easy to engage with. They have had great success in terms of supporting young men and women to progress from living with family or in care to gaining new life skills they need to help them progress towards independent living.
These successes have helped ASLN’s partnership with the Local Authority, Northamptonshire County Council, to grow stronger and because of this, ASLN continues to expand, with the business growing 30 percent between September 2014 and November 2015. Our most recent inspection Contract Monitoring Inspection report yielded a result of 97.9%.
The managers also work closely with other care professionals such as the Community Team for People with Learning Disabilities (CTPLD). Based in St. Marys Hospital, Kettering, CTPLD specialise in supporting adults with learning disabilities with anything outside of the normal living environment, including stress and anger management, anxiety and depression, occupational therapy and the management of any other physical and psychological conditions. Avens then supports the individual to utilise the techniques learnt in their own home and everyday life, which has resulted in great successes for many customers.
Northamptonshire Quality Checkers recently inspected each supported living property which was immensely positive and the service received many recommendations from our Customers and the NQC as a result, which has only helped to improve the service for everyone.
Person Centred Planning
ASLN also hold a yearly customer forum, which started in May 2015. The purpose of the forum was to “involve all of you in making decisions about the development of the service, working in partnership – working together – and using that information to improve the service – the care – you receive in your home.”
All the customers that ASLN support were invited to the Corn Market Hall in Kettering where members of senior management, spoke about the future of ASLN and also fielded questions and concerns from the customers and took the time to listen to requests and feedback. This was done on a large scale and individual basis, giving everyone an opportunity to speak up about the care that they were receiving.
One of the points that came out of the customer forum was the request of a get together for all the customers in the form of a disco. As a result, since August 2015 ASLN has hosted a monthly disco, which all of the customers and service users are invited to. There are themes and prizes for the best fancy dress costumes, as well as drinks, snacks, funky disco lights, fantastic music, and staff on the dance floor.
Everyone always has a fantastic time and it only continues to grow in success. ASLN are also looking to introduce live acts to the monthly disco which will showcase some fantastic local talent.
Find Us
Contact Us
Office Address:
Office Building B, Washington Court, Kettering, Northamptonshire NN16 0UE.
01536 483614
Home Email: [email protected]